Feeling the 70’s

Like a globe many fashion item revolve and back to the track after long gone. Dish your skinny jeans and welcome frayed jeans to your collection (this is just for you who brave enough to turn back time). As you see or wear this kinda jeans you’ll feel instantly back to 70s, the wilder the […]

Lovely Afternoon

There’s no rule in dress up, but if I could say what I learn from many famous celebrity stylist is focus on one item and let it steal attention. Wearing too many “it” item somehow distracted people from seeing your point. So be picky and grab one, tone down anything else as supporting item. You […]

Coat Forever

Coat is rarely use in Indonesia for its humid weather in most of the city, so that it’s quite hard to find a good coat on local market. But for some city (like mine) when wet season like now coming it’s really comforting to have one.Coat is somehow can elevate your look instantly beside sweater, […]

Bell Bottom Here

As we know fashion revolve so quick that sometimes it’s funny to see our mom’s stuff reuse by now. One of iconic look that influence so many people lately is the bell bottom attack, everytime you see it you can’t get your head off 70s vibe. That scooter, unbutton shirt (for man), that volume hair, […]

Cami Dress

I know this cami thang is seen on everybody everywhere since Kylie wore it at Coachella last year, the modification is getting wild day by day from the length (you can choose between it as top or dress) and the fabric (velvet, cotton) cutting (with slit or without) and colors (from basic to pop up). […]

Shades of Grey

Sweater is one must have basic on our list, but how to make it another statement without too much effort? You can pick one bold color with loose cutting, me here wearing my old gray sweater and for some accent I layer it up with a shawl, it’s not Mcqueen but somehow remind us on […]


Lace is one of trending fabric that been putting anywhere, I find this top accidentally by seeing a friend of mine picture, ask where to buy it and it turns out she made it for retail so I buy one for me. One tips for creating a look is deciding one key center than you […]

Biker Suede

My hometown Garut is well known for its leather center and production. Recently I’m in love with my friend’s work for leather @oryzaleather they have shown up an uplift stage for leather jacket fans especially the young one. When I tell the story to my husband, secretly he buy me one for my birthday so […]

Cool Book Worm

Everyone has their own inner nerd and sometimes being isolated from the world is one of best time to reconnecting your real self again, All you need is just a good book and comfy place. Well being nerd sometimes can be cool for some reason, especially when you think look good is like mother nature, […]

Pleats Please

If I have to change my blog name maybe it would be “A Girl with Quirky Round Shades”. You all are the witness how I love some of non ordinary sunglasses especially this round one (forgive me truly for keep wearing it haha). Well beside that I can say this is one of my fav […]